The Perfect Space for Your Dog

The Perfect Space for Your Dog

We build spaces in our homes for ourselves. For some people that’s the chef’s kitchen, for others you desire a dream closet. Our children of course get a room for themselves or at least a space to share with a sibling. With our pets being a big part of our family, should we build a space for them too?

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A Closet Where Everything Has Its Own Place

A Closet Where Everything Has Its Own Place

The birds are chirping, the flowers are beginning to bud, and we are getting in the swing of spring cleaning. As we are relocating things during our spring cleaning, many of us have come to realize that we need a bigger and better laid out closet to properly store things. We, at Hardwood Specialties, are here to help you design your perfect closet to make sure you can not only reach everything but also see it! We recently designed a dream closet that rivals some of the best.

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